You know what really burns my butt? Having someone tell me what to believe, and how to believe it. Apparently having too much faith, having expectations, morals, and standards, well it's so very ... not christian. How does that happen?
Forgiveness now comes with the expectation of accepting and allowing poor choices and bad behavior. What?
People, who do not follow the word of God tell you how to follow the word of God. Hypocritical much?
Let me tell you something that I don't say to ANYONE. I am a Mormon, not by choice but by belief.
I believe God is still actively involved in the world. I believe in Prophets, and apostles, and I believe they have been and continue to be to this very day. I don't believe for so much as a millisecond that Jesus is a get out of hell free card. I believe God continues to reveal things to this very day. I don't think that just because a Man wrote in the bible that nothing should be added to this book means that God's work here is done.
The following are things I hear, time after time, and are really eating at my nerves.
1. Mormons don't believe in Christ.
Really? Christ is central to the LDS Church. Let's talk about first of all The Articles Of Faith.
#1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
#3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
#4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
2. Mormons don't believe or follow the bible.
I see, so the fact that our bibles are there and used mean nothing? Back to the articles of faith!!
#8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
3. The bible says "No more should be added to this book."
Please, if you would, open your bible to the Book of Mormon. What? It's not there??? Well if it's not there, I suppose you have lost your ground here. Also, since you do know so much about the bible, you are aware that the book of revelation was written before some of the books were even written, and revelation was placed at the end of the bible by men compiling it. Also, if you don't take it out of context, you'll realize that nothing was to be added or taken away from that book of prophesy, you know, Revelations. You also know there is bottom line historical evidence that lots of books were completely left out of the bible, the book of Solomon for example, that is my favorite left out book.
4. You worship a different God.
I guess that is right. The God you worship is a door mat for you to wipe your feet on and it's all good because Jesus died so you are golden regardless of what you do. It's funny to me how it is that you use the exact same Bible as me, and yet, the God in my Bible says I have to Obey him and his laws, and to help me with this he sent Jesus to be an example and to make sure that I go back to him. Maybe, just maybe, it's the same God, but you aren't treating him right and using Christ as your crutch. You will have to let me know how that works out for you.
5. You aren't really seeking God.
Huh, that's a little humorous! In fact, in the process of seeking God, asking God to help me, praying relentlessly for God to show me how to live right, this is where he lead me. To say that God is wrong, is pretty much denying faith in and of itself. You have no faith.
6. Joseph Smith was crazy.
You know, all those guys in the bible, Moses, they said he was crazy. John the Baptist, crazy. The 12 apostles, crazy. Jesus, crazy! Think what you will, Judge however you would like, it's not like Joseph Smith is the first man that God spoke to and was called crazy.
7. You aren't a Christian.
Why is that? I follow the Bible,I accept Christ, I live close to Christ, I try my personal best to reflect his love and grace. I praise God, I am thankful, I am obedient, I repent when I have done wrong. Is it because Mormons have rules, and you don't like rules? I don't drink coffee and that is so unchristian of me!
Until and unless you really know what Mormon is, and what they do, and how they believe and worship, just don't bring your crap to me. I don't get in anyone's face screaming "YOU ARE WRONG! COME WITH ME! LET'S BE MORMON!" You know why I don't do that? Just because I feel what you believe is just that. It isn't my job to make you believe. You believe in God, you believe in Christ, good for you. The last thing this world needs is Christians pushing Christians away from being Christian. No one has EVER been damned for having too much faith, at least not by God. Wouldn't it be great if Christians didn't try to sit in the Throne of God to attempt to damn other Christians?
Get out of my faith with your garbage.
Mormon's have good morals, the LDS Church teaches good morals, they don't conform to the desires of society to make those living wrong feel right. I enjoy the accountability, I want these Morals and the accountability for my children. It's best for me, and it is best for my children. If God is your foundation, and you follow the Bible, and your church truly teaches the bible, you will find there isn't much difference between you and I, because even though you don't hold in your hands the things I do, we would b living and believing virtually the same.
I was raised Lutheran, I hold onto that with my whole heart and soul. The Mormon Church meets my spiritual needs that were formed within the Lutheran Church. They hold me accountable for things I need to be held accountable for. I am a 35 year old SINGLE mother. I do not have premarital sex, I do not drink, I do not take harmful substances into my body. I set a terrific example for my children. I am as kind as I can be, my heart is open to all people. I am sick and freaking tired of people trying to burn me at the stake for HAVING FAITH! "Lord forgive them, they know not what they do." Who knew that those final words from Christ would echo true more than 2000 years later.
Happy Holidays! Praise the Lord!