Hello! My name is Brooke, and I'm the mother of SIX wonderful children ... and I am bending over backward to mold them into good people. I set the best possible example that I can. I want my daughters to know they are beautiful, not matter what the scale says, I want my sons to know that ALL women deserve love and respect, even if they don't look like they belong in a magazine.
I am 35 years old, most of my friends are close to my age, most of my friends have teen aged daughters, most of my friends are grown up, matured, and much like myself desire nothing more than to be a good example for the children that we raise.
Today, on my news feed, I was smacked in the face by some hard core body shaming, by women who are "grown up" and "mothers" one of which (the primary poster I know for sure) has THREE teen aged daughters. These "women" *and I use the term extremely loosely* took it upon themselves to TAKE PICTURES of people's ASSES so they had something to laugh at.
Let me share with you now, some screen shots I took.
I am not interested in saving any face here. This entire situation is APPALLING. I wish I could put into words how disturbed I was seeing this in my news feed. See, I like to believe that the people I associate with HAVE MORALS. When I see that not only do they not, but they are absolutely the polar opposite of what I need in my life, I'm going to speak up.
I was unfriended for stating the obvious. I don't honestly care. I was starting up my laptop to remove the trash from my facebook anyway, but she beat me to the punch. I'm fine with that. What I'm not ok with, are people behaving like this.
I also got a facebook message. Let me see if I can share that ...
No dear, You may fuck off. I could say A WHOLE LOT about these two, which is far worse than the asses they have taken photos of and posted online for their own bashing pleasure, but I won't, because that isn't who I am. Obviously, there is a relationship between the one who put that ugly post in my news feed, and the one who sent the message.
Not so long ago, you see, I was in a horrible marriage, in which I was abused, and I was relentlessly shamed. When I got out of that, I made a promise to myself, that not only would I never be the kind of person to make fun of another, but I would always defend a person being shamed in that matter. I wasn't shamed for having a "camel toe ass" because I don't have one, but for other things, like my belly not being flat *after having 6 children* and my teeth not being perfectly straight, and my boobs not being perky enough *for fucks sake I had 6 kids* .. still it's irrelevant.
We, as a society, are ONE. We have the power to stop doing this. We have the power to stand up when we see it and say NO. It's time that more people started stopping people that are behaving like this. We as a society wonder WHY bullying has so much of a presence among our children ... well society, WE ARE THE PROBLEM! It's time to change our own attitudes and behaviors. It starts with you.
Happy Holidays!