Thursday, December 11, 2014


Major changes have occurred in the last 24 hours. I now have SOLE LEGAL AND PHYSICAL CUSTODY of Washy. Good news for my boy, finally control has been removed from his father.

I'm a little sad though, I admit. I wanted wonderful things for my son. Wouldn't it be great if his father was interested in being a parent? Sadly, that isn't the case. He made so many excuses in court, the divorce was finalized 11 months ago, we have been separated for nearly 3 years, yet he called this "still fresh". No, it is NOT  something new, this is old stuff. If it's so "fresh" for him, why is he dating a married woman? Why is he insisting on taking my son around a married woman? Why does he pawn his child off on other people during his 4 days a month? Why such a lack of interest in parenting?

None the less, I have been awarded what I requested. Everyone is happy, short of ex, as he has lost control. What he fails to realize, is that he has lost control. His thought is "not during MY time." I make Washy's decisions, all of them. Yes, he gets his 4 days a month, but he has to respect and follow my decisions. Everything major to my sons life, school, doctors, religion, moral, emotional, upbringing, all my choice. He already protests my decisions, I don't care though, he doesn't have a voice in these matters anymore.

More changes are coming, Indiana Guidelines are no longer appropriate, and constant relocation and instability has been repeatedly demonstrated by the ex husband. As has aggressiveness and improper treatment of the 5 year old child.

I don't mind over nights, but no more than 4 a month should be necessary, I figure we can share holidays with me taking the first half and him getting an extra over night. The attorney will address the issue of him hiding the location of the child, leaving him with random people so dad can go to the bar, and refusing to provide proof that he has the child upon request.  She will also raise the issue that IPG grants visitation from 6 pm Friday to 6 pm Sunday, ex isn't available at 6 pm Friday, so I should NOT have to take Joshua, my other 2 children and myself out late at night to give ex his time. Not to mention that 9 or 10 at night is well past everyone's bed time. The fact that is was he choice to move far, it should have NEVER become my problem, more so since he moves EVERY 4 MONTHS ... give or take a few weeks.

It's never ending with this fool. Now, however, I have peace. He has zero control. He has to follow the rules. His church, which is a different religion than what we practice, will be receiving a call to let them know that Joshua is not allowed to attend. He needs to attend a church equal to his religion. I may make that phone call tomorrow, and clear this air quickly. I make religious choices. When a parent cannot control themselves, and is constantly abusive, this is the result.

I have had a revelation, I used to be non denominational Christian, prior to that, I was Lutheran,born and raised. I have always felt something missing though. There HAD to be more. Not everything could have happened in Jerusalem, and surrounding areas. What about the rest of the world? Indian's believed in God .. how would they know if they were here and everything happened there? I have decided, based on my own mind, my own faith, my own belief, the answer lies in the Mormon beliefs. There was more, things were happening here. Logical, and I have full faith. Now I'm not saying I agree with every little thing, some things I'm still unsure of. I think though, that I have found my place.

I just want to share, because for me, seeing kindness at its best, is a great thing. I see love, compassion, understanding, acceptance ... so much more than I have seen anywhere else. For the most part .. they simply follow Jesus. I like that. It makes me happy. It feels more realistic to me. I don't have to be frowned upon, I don't have to feel judged, I can act with grace, I can put my best foot forward. I feel freed.

I'm going to go now ... I feel like I should be doing something.

Be Blessed!

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