Monday, December 15, 2014

Why Atheists Celebrate Christmas ...

Alright, so here is the deal. My douche bag ex husband trolls my blog. HELLO JARED! I hope you are enjoying my words. Ass hat.


Jared posted on facebook, in his normal asshole tone, asking why atheists celebrate Christmas. So Since he trolls here, and is about as knowledgeable as an Atheist when it comes to these things, I'm going to break it down. Based solely on things I know.

Christmas is a commercial holiday. The majority of people celebrate SANTA CLAUSE on Christmas. Not Jesus, not the birth of Christ, but Santa, the jolly fat man with his eight tiny reindeer, and countless elves living in the North Pole. HO HO HO! MERRY CHRISTMAS! The majority of CHRISTIANS fall into this category too. Including you, Jared.

The majority of the WORLD POPULATION is not Christian in faith, and yet Christmas is celebrated by the majority anyway. Not the Jew's though, who by the way, are GOD'S chosen people.

No one knows WHEN Jesus was born. Christmas prior to 313 AD (roughly) wasn't celebrated by Christians at all, rather, December 25 was a PAGAN Holiday, celebrating the birth of the unconquered sun. In that time somewhere, Roman Emperor Constantine decides to take December 25 and make it Christmas.

That' just a little historical back drop. You said you don't celebrate Pagan Holidays?? I'm confused.

While you go half cocked, making snide remarks about self centered people, you show your own colors. It's not YOUR God, it's EVERYONE'S God, stop with the ownership crap. You don't OWN anyone, and you certainly don't own GOD. Who are YOU to tell people they don't have any right to celebrate a man made holiday?

"Self centered people make for the worst kind of Christians." YOU said that .. um so you already then are aware of what you are right?

Let me tell you, from God loving perspective, it doesn't matter WHAT you believe. The fact of the matter is, because there is Christ in Christmas, be you to believe or disbelieve, you have to put a little thought into it this time of year. It's enough to plant the seed.

Don't listen to people that are foolish and find it their place to pass judgement on you, to tell you it's "Their" Holiday, for "Their" Savior, it isn't truth, and they don't speak love. They with their hate, are the reason so many stray and never return. Why would anyone want to come and deal with such selfish, uncaring, cold, and mindless?

If it makes you feel better, Mr. Christian better than the atheist, engages regularly in adultery. He enjoys married women. God doesn't. God doesn't like a lot of what the foolish do. He shouldn't celebrate Christmas as his actions are spitting in the face of the Christ who died for him.

May you all celebrate Christmas, and may no one put you down before it. If it's the only time of year that Christ lovingly comes from your mouth, you are blessed by it.

I hope you enjoy this blog post Jared. You sound as stable as you appear in reality, and only an absent minded fool would agree with your shameful spouting. Find God sir, worry not about others for you are none better.


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